Last night, Addison and I went to see Where The Wild Things Are finally. It was really sad and made us both feel super nostalgic. We both admitted we almost cried throughout, it just reminded me of how I was as a kid, almost to the tee. And how I wish, even now, a decade and some down the line, things were different but they aren't but it hurts you can't have your imaginary world or build forts and get away with it. Being near friendless and without the outlet of being so involved in your imagination sucks, reality and life nearly sucks away that part of your soul but it seems my attitude overpowers that and I am thankful for that.
I loved it nonetheless, though it didn't follow the book persay, but I guess you can say it was fit for modern day and all. It just made me think a lot, it made me want to always be wild. I know I am a big kid, and I hope I never lose that inside me.
We stayed up until 5:30 am, talking and talking. It took us both a while after the film to cheer up, somehow it affected us more than I wanted it to in a really sad, faraway way. I am really happy again and excited about life. Things are coming my way that I deserve. School is almost smooth sailings and I am about to sign up for next semester. Next weekend I am hopefully taking a roadtrip to see Social Distortion with a new friend, who I have only met a few times ha. But I plan on spending the entire weekend with Addison, being adventurous in the cool weather. Maybe ride bikes, or sit on the beach in our coats and beer and chase each other around. I am so glad in my heart right now. I really am NEVER going to grow up, I don't care. I watched Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure til 2am the other night cracking up just like I would have when I was five. Shit, I'm ready for tomorrow. I need a job though, I've never had a real job. And I need a car, I don't even have my license. But I'm alright.
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