And also while I was looking, since I am such a sucker for polka dots, tupe top styles, mini things and vintage influenced clothing..
I am fully aware it's nearly 3:30 am but I got caught watching these atrocious shows on Bravo and then John called me with his real life circus clown friend and were telling me how they were going to steal paddle boats from Fresh Meadows in a car that was dented and being held together literally with tin foil, then I had to try and remember the streets of Flushing and where I lived to the circus friend but I struggled with street names. And Death Cab for Cutie just sound so precious at the moment and all my books are calling me. At least I am happy, though I am most certainly over-caffeinated and there's too much nicotine flowing through me. I think too much.
I want an amazing pair of boots too! We can wear whatever shoes we want to school. :D